2007 Edition Gallery

Codex Alpe Adria 2007 took place from July 6 to July 8, 2007. This section will be updated after the event, with a better selection of pictures and credits. Please find below a first and provisional series of photos.

Final preparations

Sergio, Matteo, Max and Takis
during their speeches

The bus was packed with hardware...

... and moods were high

First stop: Aquileia

Trying to embrace the mother
of all Romans...

... before the mother of all boing
balls was revealed!

Having now seen the light...

... the 0xAA group sips some wine
where the Romans used to do the same

Or was it the Incas?

Time for food

And some more sightseeing...

Before returning to Udine for
the banquet

First stop on Sunday: Mount Lussari

Having "climbed" all the way to the top...

... the group stops for a rest...

... before engaging in a
brief but intense competition

Second stop: Fusine lakes
(very cold water...)

A spicy pizza for
lunch on Monday...

... before driving to Trieste...

... where we spent the
rest of the day