
Feel free to use the form below if you have any questions or suggestions concerning the event. If you need help with accommodation or other local assistance or information, please do not hesitate to let us know in your message.

Request type*:
Your name:
Your email address*:
Message subject*:
Message text*:


*Required fields.

If for any reason you are unable to use the form, feel free to email us at staff at 0xAA dot org, or call +39-334-731-7663 (also during the event).

Privacy information: The above form emails your request to the Codex Alpe Adria team at Cloanto. No information is stored on the web server. In addition to the data you provide, your IP address and date and time information are logged in the same way as they normally appear in email headers. For additional privacy-related information please follow this link.